Every time I or one of the other editors here at Environments for Aging has the opportunity to interview an industry member, chat with an architect at an event, or visit with a design team at a project site, our brand gets a little bit better. It’s because you—yes, you—mean a lot to us.

We rely on active senior living design professionals to be our eyes and ears, sharing with us the challenges of working in this sector and, more important, the solutions identified to deliver effective environments that don’t just support but enhance the lives of the seniors who live there. It’s what shapes our content in each of our three print issues as well as the articles and news items we post here at efamagazine.com throughout the year.

That’s been the case since we launched the magazine (then Design) 20 years ago—happy anniversary to us!

It’s what’s inspired a recent initiative to tap into the collective knowledge that exists out there. Please join me in welcoming our new Editorial Advisory Board. The individuals you’ll find listed here represent some of the brightest and most passionate professionals in this industry, including architects, interior designers, consultants, and owners/providers.

I’ve asked them to join us here at EFA to provide a more formalized avenue for collecting insight on where we are as a design community, where senior living is heading, and how EFA can help all of you get there through our print, digital, and events channels.

In fact, I spoke with the group via conference call to kick-off their term and dig into how the industry has evolved since EFA launched in 1997. Their perspectives on the past are interesting, but perhaps what’s even more thought-provoking is their take on what’s to come—watch this space for our anniversary coverage.

It’s a step in the right direction that I’m excited about, but it is just one step. As we look ahead for where to take our brand, we value what all of you have to say. So keep the emails coming; visit us at the EFA booth at the EFA Expo & Conference in Savannah, Ga., in April; and share your new projects, research findings, and best practices. We’ve grown a lot over the past two decades, and we couldn’t have done it without you.